Legal services of Ekaterinburg

Legal services :

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Fedorova Tatyana Vladimirovna, associate in civil cases ...
Ekaterinburg, str. Tsvillinga, 7

tel. +7 (952) 137-83-79

Litigation in court involves complex legal services required for the initiation of the trial and obtaining judgement in the matter. Legal services for representation in court include: drafting and filing in court of claims, examination of case papers, collecting of necessary documents and evidence in the case, attend the court hearings, etc.
To legal services for representation in court may be resorted to at any stage of the trial, but better to do it in the beginning. Here is an example from practice. For legal help I was approached by a construction firm, it was necessary to collect the debt for the construction work, when this part of the work was not agreed in the contract, but the customer, the work was accepted. The statement of claim was drawn up by the lawyer and conduct the case in court decided to instruct me. When I reviewed the documents, found that the claim is wrong: the requirements have been claimed for the recovery of additional work, although it was necessary to recover the cost of works, based on the actual contract. Claim I redid, the court ordered the debt in full. Another example: dispute on debt collection under the supply agreement. The buyer (firm) for one day prior to the day when you could submit to the court review of the claim , provided me to analyze the documents. In the study of the documents revealed that the seller is not the original contract ( the Buyer sent the Seller a scanned copy of the contract by email. mail) it was not signed by the specs, there were several invoices, but none of them had references to the Treaty, there was only an indication of the order date. In response to the claim I drew the court‘s attention to this fact, the next day with the seller –plaintiff had signed a settlement agreement in which the Buyer-defendant paid the plaintiff the amount owed on non-recurring transactions, i.e., no penalties that were stipulated in the contract.
All the organizations in their business activities are faced with improper performance of their contractual obligations by counterparties. Disputes can arise from various treaties, most requirements are reduced to recover the debt.
Often I conduct cases in court for insurance disputes, represent the interests of policyholders. Most cases in my practice for the recovery of insurance compensation in cases of property insurance, there have been several cases in personal insurance. While many organizations are in the process of its activities to insure themselves against various risks that citizens more often seek legal assistance in insurance disputes.
In modern Society, when we are all consumers of various goods and services legal services in the field of consumer protection are very popular. I often represent the interests of consumers.
The division of marital property by the court in the divorce. Legal services in the jurisdiction of the court in this category of cases are generally inexpensive and are very popular. The Affairs of the division of marital property can also be of varying complexity, but even simple things without the minimal assistance of a lawyer to be very difficult. Often this category of cases related cases on recognition of transactions void, the eviction of the former spouse, the definition of the use of the apartment, the determination of residence of children, etc.
The sphere of housing relations, the sphere of genetic relationships also play a significant role in my law practice.
The cost of legal services in representation of interests in court and other important conditions of legal assistance the legal entity prescribed in the individual contract. I am personally responsible for its obligations, conscientiously perform their work. Over many years of practice I have accumulated a wealth of experience and knowledge on various categories of cases, well-proven not only as a professional but as a person you can trust the decision of its most important in life issues.


Actual on 01.01.2018
Legal advice on family matters
Ekaterinburg, str. Tsvillinga, 7, str. 315

tel. +7 (343) 200-78-77

Legal advice on family matters provides high quality legal services in family law: from legal advice to representation in courts. A wealth of experience, integrity, reasonable price for legal services.

Actual on 01.01.2018
ABC Groups
Ekaterinburg, 620034, str. Bebelya, 11

tel. +7 (343) 219-39-91
Actual on 01.01.2018
AVERS, financial-legal company
Ekaterinburg, 620014, str. Malysheva, 28

tel. +7 (343) 376-61-16
Actual on 01.01.2018
Copyright Protection
Ekaterinburg, 620014, str. Malysheva, 31d, str. 412A

tel. +7 (343) 377-65-44
Actual on 01.01.2018












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