In the Laboratory the office "MEDAN Medical tests" You can take more than 2000 types of analyses, deadlines, most of which -1 is a slave. day. The test results You can obtain in your account, by e-mail, in the office, on the phone. MEDAN - the guarantee of health!
In our Laboratory offices You can pass more than 2000 types of analyses, deadlines, most of which - 1 slave. day. We managed to significantly reduce the cost of a series of medical tests (average 10%) while maintaining, and in some types of analysis and improving, the quality of laboratory diagnostics through the use of modern methods and equipment. The test results You can obtain in your account, by email, in office, on the phone. About services and prices you can find on our site In our offices there is a flexible system of discounts and discount program. MEDAN - the guarantee of health.