DIZ-SES RETAIL GROUP. Elektrostal, Russia

Views: 52

Despite the thoroughness and rigour of the self-cleaning get rid of germs is still quite difficult. The pieces of furniture, walls, carpeting and other items over time accumulate a large number of pathogens and small contaminants. Get rid of unfavorable problems help comprehensive disinfection of premises Podolsk.

Our company performs quality disinfection and sanitization of any premises. We work in compliance with all international standards of safety and quality for the health of animals and people. Preventive and current disinfection, which holds our company has several directions:

Water in swimming pools, wells, and other containers;
Processing equipment;
Apartments, homes, household items;
Any non-residential premises.

Comprehensive disinfection of premises Podolsk will eliminate viruses, bacteria, and fungi. Also, this service will be needed after getting rid of harmful rodents or insects spreading the infection. For complete confidence in the condition of industrial premises or housing, should regularly carry out disinfection. The disinfecting standard is carried out without the participation of the owners of the premises. However, if You wish to be present during the procedure. To this end, our staff will provide the necessary protection from chemicals.

Disinfection of premises our company will not leave harmful viruses and micro-organisms no chance.


Moscow Oblast
Elektrostal city

str. Zapadnaya, 1a

tel. +7 (926) 162-35-78
tel. +7 (916) 088-89-58

Actual on 01.01.2018