ikea-sar. Engels, Russia

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Now You have the opportunity to purchase goods of IKEA delivery to your door!!!
With the help of delivery Service comfort IKEA-SAR, to purchase goods from IKEA easy. Order it on our website and we will deliver You the furniture and IKEA products with good mood )
Our company is Your reliable guide in the world of IKEA, in a world in which there is everything to feel comfortable in your home, entertaining guests, giving gifts. The style and quality of IKEA products was already recognized in 24 countries around the world. The business idea of IKEA is simple — to combine high quality with low prices.
In our city the shopping center " IKEA ", but there is a way, and rational decision — contact us!
Our motto is "do Everything for themselves"!
Delivery service comfort IKEA-SAR provides services for the delivery of goods IKEA in the Saratov region from 2011. We not a branch, division, subsidiary company " IKEA ". We — informal service delivery from "IKEA" and not the company itself!
We provide services for the purchase and delivery of furniture, baby goods, dishes, utensils, in short any product from IKEA in the Saratov region. Do it quickly, efficiently, and with a great desire.
Read more about cost of delivery and the rules of the provision of our services can be found at shipping and payment our website.
Let it will be cozy and beautiful!

Sincerely, the staff of the delivery Service comfort IKEA-SAR


Saratov Oblast
Engels city

str. Gorkogo, 22

tel. +7 (927) 117-52-27
tel. 49-48-47

Actual on 01.01.2018