NDV - Group. Khabarovsk, Russia

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Today, the real estate company "NDV-Group" is developing in two directions: we are engaged in the sale of apartments and premises, and providing them to rent. In the catalog of our Agency of real estate included residential and commercial facilities of Khabarovsk. Therefore, our customers can be not only individuals but also organizations all of them we will render the necessary consulting support. We can not only choose the apartment or office, but also to ask for advice. If needed, we will show you what dwelling house it is better to choose a young family that the district would be optimal for the company with a specific target audience. Don‘t hesitate to ask, because we are the most open to their customers. We are working to ensure that the client was happy with the decision.


Khabarovsk Krai
Khabarovsk city

680000, str. Dzerzhinskogo, 65

tel. 8 (800) 250-20-24

Actual on 01.01.2018