Mylene, legal Agency. Izhevsk, Russia

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A full range of services to individuals and legal entities. Some directions:

Preparation of court documents without participation in the court:
- Drafting pleadings.
- Preparation of statements about the judicial order.
- Preparation of the petition in court.
- Drafting a claim to court.
- The filing of a lawsuit.
- Preparation of appeal, cassation and Supervisory complaints.
- Preparation of statements to new circumstances.
- Preparation of the settlement agreement.
- Preparation of complaints to the constitutional court of the Russian Federation.

Representation in court, preparation of court documents:
Representation in the magistrates court district (city) court, the Supreme court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme court of the Russian Federation.
- Representation in Federal courts of arbitration of the Russian Federation.

Drafting contracts:
- Preparation of the loan agreement.
- Preparation of contract of sale.
Drawing up a contract of donation (donation).
- Preparation of the contract of barter.
- Preparation of the tenancy agreement (lease).
- Preparation of supply agreement.
- Drafting contract (provision of services).
- Preparation of a contract between the business partners.

Support various transactions, preparing necessary documents and contracts.:
- Support of transactions of sale and purchase, of delivery.
- Advising of the lease.
- Support of the transaction of donation.
- Support of transactions of barter.

Representation in the state structures:
- Representation in Department of PF of the Russian Federation.
- Representation in tax inspections.
- Representation in the labour Inspectorate.
- Representation in Prosecutor‘s office.
- Representation in the FAS (FAS).
- The representative office of the Federal bailiff service (bailiffs) in the framework of enforcement proceedings.

Support for the registration of a legal entity, entrepreneur, making changes, preparation of internal documents of the organization, legal services:
- Registration of LLC, JSC, SP
- Registration of non-profit organizations - foundations, associations (unions), etc.
- Registration of representatives, branches and separate subdivisions.
- Reorganization and termination of activities (liquidation).
- Change of Manager, legal address.
- Change of member (owner) of the organization.
- Reduction of the share capital increase.
- Execution of decisions of meeting of participants, shareholders.
- Development of the Charter, internal documents (provisions, instructions, regulations, etc.).
- Subscriber legal service.

Legal advice, legal expertise of documents, agreements:
- Legal advice on family, inheritance cases.
- Legal advice on tax matters.
- Legal advice on civil cases.
- Legal advice on labour matters.
- Legal advice on insurance matters.
- Legal advice on consumer protection
- Legal examination of documents, contracts.


Izhevsk city

str. Uhtomskogo, 24, str. 605

tel. +7 (922) 517-28-56
tel. 77-28-56
Actual on 01.01.2018