Clean The World. Irkutsk, Russia

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The portal "the Net World" Irkutsk area created for fast search of the necessary, useful and interesting information.
The main direction of our portal is purity and all that is connected with ecological and healthy lifestyle. As one wise man, "First tidy your room, and then get the rest of the world"!

Actually based on this phrase we started the directory, which is called the "Clean house". In this section of our Internet portal, everything you need to clean Your home. From what and how you can put the house in perfect order, ending with those who can for You to do it. And please note that the space house cleaning ogranichivatsya not only the walls of the house, especially if you live in his personal house, where a large role is played by the external communication system. After all, if in time not to take out the garbage or make the waste water in Your septic tank, it is possible as a result to contamination of soil and actually water you drink from the well located a few meters from sources of so-called ECO-evil.
But it‘s all a little digression, and now about the main thing. Our Internet portal contains all reference information for the companies that provide the cleaning services and waste disposal, car wash systems and dry cleaning services, companies selling household chemicals and appliances relevant for the purpose of cleaning.

Just here you will find recreation and entertainment venues, spas, beauty centers and health in order to look perfect, the category of "Pure I" is devoted to this.
Useful articles and tips to be found not only in the news our ECO portal, but on a forum where everyone has the opportunity to share experiences or personal experiment in the field of cleanliness and order. The so-called "folk" remedies and methods.
In General, if you have decided to purify body and soul and bring your house or car in order, you have come to our portal purity is not an accident!
Special attention is paid to the section dedicated to environmental products. Block "of Farmers Irkutsk region" enables farmers to submit their land agricultural. farms and their products in personal blogs. And each of us has the opportunity to book directly to the farmer organic and the freshest product.
Personal environment each of us implies healthy food. Ditch unhealthy food, containing GMOs and chemicals. Products sakimichan, fast-paced city life, constant stress and rush do their dirty work - they will destroy us. Slowly, but surely. Stay at least a minute and think about your life, your health and your loved ones about nature! Nature has always given man the beauty, harmony, health, and fertile conditions for life. What is the nature of man? What we respond to her care? But the purity of nature is the most important thing in our time! And it starts small, with a purity surrounding you every day and space itself!


Irkutsk Oblast
Irkutsk city

str. Cedova, 29

tel. +7 (395) 274-66-70
Actual on 01.01.2018