Scrap yards of Ivanovo

Scrap yards :

Total items: 12, Views: 77489
Ivanovo, str. 2- Yuzhnaya, 34

tel. 8 (961) 117-50-60

Salvage yards (WHA) on the "South" was created in 2005. The main activity of the company is dismantling and selling spare parts for cars of domestic production.
Become our customer and forget about the problems and inconveniences associated with the maintenance of Your car!
We offer:
-huge selection of parts for VAZ
-easy to find parts directly on the website.
-pre-delivery inspection and adjustment of each spare parts in coordination with the client
-tracking of new acquisitions
-delivery of the order by Ivanov and Ianovskii.
-really low prices
-discounts for bulk purchases
-the quality and reliability of every detail
On our disassembly of the machine dismantled on the spot and not imported disassembled. So you can buy from us any small thing from nuts and bolts to small accents, plugs, wiring, etc.
How much of Your precious time will be spent traveling and searching? Are You always satisfied with the quality of purchased items? Call us.. We are Always ready to help Our customers..

Actual on 01.01.2018
Ivanovo, str. Stankostroiteley, 17, korp.1

tel. +7 (903) 848-85-35
Actual on 01.01.2018
Averasboro VAZ
Ivanovo, str. 2-ya Yuzhnaya, 34

tel. +7 (920) 375-05-60
Actual on 01.01.2018
Ivanovo, str. Gromoboya, 52

tel. +7 (910) 688-25-81
Actual on 01.01.2018
Ivanovo, str. Garazhnaya, 14/26

tel. +7 (930) 353-85-55
Actual on 01.01.2018



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