The best people. Ivanovo, Russia

Views: 61

We help businesses make more money. We help businesses bring order to the personnel costs, not to pay extra.

1. The list of services
 Recruitment (all applicants will be worthy:)
 Reducing the cost of maintenance staff,without prejudice to the result
 The development of "smart salaries",
 Improving the efficiency of employees
 To set up corporate culture
 Training,
 Training for managers: how to effectively manage staff
 Personnel evaluation
 Certification of employees
 Motivation
 Increase performance discipline in the company
 Conflict-free dismissal
 Improvement of the working environment
 Personnel records,
 Market research salaries
 Testing (psychological portrait of a man, the answer to specific questions from the employer. Especially important before making a decision about who to appoint to a position of responsibility, or to entrust the important task, and when there is a question about reduction of the staff to decide who should keep and who to fire).


Ivanovo Oblast
Ivanovo city

Marii Ryabininoy str., 5

tel. 8 (980) 693-11-00

Actual on 01.01.2018