Trikotazhnyjj Kontinent, OOO. Ivanovo, Russia

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We are manufacturers of knitted hosiery, hats, gloves, sweaters , sweaters, and more. Has its own shop for sewing, t-shirts, Polo shirts, t-shirts, etc. Our production is located in the city of Ivanovo , which allows you to choose the fabric and thread production at the most competitive prices in the optimal combination of price-quality. Have experience with MES (t-shirts) , security structures (special sweaters, gloves), Internet shops "Hunting and Fishing" - caps, gloves ,underwear, etc.
We produce custom any number on the Customer‘s wishes or requirements of the tender.Delivery across Russia and CIS countries transport campaigns on customer‘s choice.
We are glad to cooperate and answer all questions at any time convenient for You.


Ivanovo Oblast
Ivanovo city

str. Sosnovaya, 1

tel. +7 (920) 340-96-96
Actual on 01.01.2018