Veterinarian Kozubovych Andrey offers high quality services with departure on the house in the city of Ivanovo and region available around the clock.
A veterinarian works with departure on the house. Minimal stress to Your pet. Experience in continuous practice since 1995.. discounts for Regular customers. Quick trip to the call within 30 minutes. THERAPY, SURGERY, VACCINATION, CASTRATION, EUTHANASIA.
A veterinarian works with departure on the house. Minimal stress to Your pet. Treatment,vaccination,consultation,surgery. Experience in continuous practice since 1995.. discounts for Regular customers. Quick trip to the call within 30 minutes.
Veterinarian.Check out the house.Examination,consultation,therapy,prevention and treatment of viral diseases,cosmetic surgery,gynecology and obstetrics.
All kinds of veterinary services, efficiently and inexpensively. Great experience. You can call home or arrange to see me in the clinic, "Osiris".
Qualified help with Your Pets leave the house. Modern methods of diagnosis and treatment. Various surgical operations, including castration, sterilisation and vaccination of your Pets. Pensioners discount on a call.