City Fond DNK-research. Kaliningrad, Russia

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We offer You our facilities, to carry out a genetic study of paternity and biological relationship.
You can order a genetic test in City Fond DNK-research without leaving your own apartment. For this it is necessary to make selection of material (scrapings of epithelial cells from the inner surface of the cheek) for research in the child and the alleged father, in strict accordance with the instructions. The courier will bring and take "DNA" samples from any point in the city and region.
Laboratory Fund comparative analysis of the DNA obtained from the customer samples. Customers are issued (or sent) a report containing a description of procedures and test systems used in the study, the list of the studied DNA regions (loci), genotype ("genetic portraits") of the child and the parent. The accuracy of a negative conclusion ("not a father") – 100 %, accuracy, positive ("father") is not less than 99.99 %.


Kaliningrad Oblast
Kaliningrad city

236000, str. Sergeeva, d. 2

tel. 8 (952) 795-47-88

Actual on 01.01.2018