OOO "Financial Empire" is a professional in the market of consulting services in the field of Finance and personal financial planning.
Our company offers the services of an independent financial consultant for individuals, companies, holdings, groups of companies. We conduct a detailed review of the financial situation of our client, their preferences and goals. The results give certain recommendations which are aimed at achieving the goals of the client and, if necessary, recommend a suitable financial product in accordance with customer needs.
We also provide:
• Accounting outsourcing – take on the role of company accountant.
• Consulting – advise companies and individuals on a wide range of economic issues. Finance, credit, taxation, creation and registration of companies.
• Optimization of business – find the best for our customers, the tax regime, determined ways to minimize the taxes, the costs of our clients, carry out business planning of our clients ‘ business.
• Legal services – registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, amendments to the constituent documents, preparation of contracts, minutes, orders, resolutions, decisions, etc. to our clients.
• Mediation: representing our clients in banks, with the objective of lending and placement of funds, as well as representing our clients in the insurance and appraisal companies, assist in the preparation of packages of documents.
• Marketing research – provide marketing research services of banks, insurance and appraisal companies, depending on the preferences of our clients.
HR Agency Unicipal c 2004 performs services:
- Selection and evaluation of personnel
- Personnel administration
- HR administration
Thanks to a decade of experience we have their design, which always produce results, but we continue to look for individual solutions for each client.
We guarantee maximum convenience for our customers, high speed and quality of execution of orders, strict observance of the norms of business ethics. We are responsible for our work and its result.