Kaliningrad regional bar Association. Kaliningrad, Russia

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Professional legal assistance in civil and criminal cases:
housing, family, employment disputes, disputes related to inheritance, property, pensions,
damages caused to property and health
protection of the rights of servicemen
Business disputes. Arbitration.
Consultation, preparation of claims, statements, complaints, etc.,
Representation in the courts.
A qualified defense of the preliminary investigation and in court on criminal Affairs of any complexity and category.
Legal subscription monthly maintenance (support) of business - commercial and non-commercial organizations, enterprises, institutions, companies, associations, Individual entrepreneurs
The solution of current problems of the enterprise:
1) legal representation;
2) Claim work with contractors;
3) Executive proceedings (enforcement of decisions of courts of General jurisdiction and arbitration courts;
4) Negotiations with partners and contractors, mediation;
5) Representation of interests in state bodies, negotiations, inspections;
6) Registration of ownership of real estate, support of transactions with the alienation and acquisition of real estate.
7) Preparation of contracts, agreements, personnel issues
8) prevention and minimization of legal liability,
9) bringing the internal documents in compliance with applicable laws,
10) legal examination of agreements


Kaliningrad Oblast
Kaliningrad city

236029, str. Geologicheskaya, 1, kablv

tel. 697-696

Actual on 01.01.2018