Polyclinics of Kaluga

Polyclinics :

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Kaluga, str. Suvorova, 119a, str. 31

tel. +7 (4842) 40-31-40

"There‘s nothing sadder than a missed opportunity"

Many are beginning to worry about their health only when it is not.
They take some action only in case, if you feel sluggish and weak.

Our Center will help You:
1. to detect the first signs of the disease before its symptoms
2. find invisible pockets of infection that had settled in man
3. to promptly eliminate the identified problem
4. to choose a preventive Wellness program
5. to choose personal care products without harmful ingredients
6. save your time, money and nerves
7. get your life under control without diseases and ailments.

Make the right decision right now!
Our center is pleased to offer a unique and innovative method of testing of all organs and systems of the body. Innovativeness is confirmed by the gold medal received by the device Sensitiv Imago in the European competition of innovative technologies in the category "Innovative and promising technology", held in Bulgaria (Plovdiv) in 2009 (video of the Bulgarian news from the contest, see Video or the section Device Sensitiv Imago-510).

The uniqueness lies in innovation, as well as that entire body you can test in just 1 hour. And during this time you will receive information amounting to hundreds of medical studies and tests (including tests for viruses, bacteria, parasites) and the survey of doctors in nearly all specialties.

Next: the method is absolutely harmless for people of any age, including young children. The device is equipped with powerful protection, confirmed by laboratories of Russia, UK, Germany.

Accuracy and completeness of the data the survey has no equal. The accuracy is 96-97%.

The examination is for the patient most comfortable: painless, without blood, clothed without queues and long waiting results. Moreover, our doctor immediately (slowly and using understandable terminology) will interpret you all my findings.

This method of diagnostics of all organs and systems of the body are completely safe for different types of people. Using the program Sensitiv Imago it is possible to define different disease even at the asymptomatic stage of development; to detect viral, microbial, fungal and parasitic infections; to establish the causal relationship developing of pathological processes in the body; to receive comprehensive information about the state of health that it is impossible to obtain using x-rays, ultrasound, computed tomography.

The methodology underlying this programme exists already for more than 60 years! It was invented by the German physicist R. Voll. Doctors, of course, know about this method. Since then it has gone a huge distance, and many scientists were interested by the method of Voll. After all, this is a true breakthrough in the diagnosis of the human body. Without multiple tests, a person could find out comprehensive information on health status, while spending a couple of hours! Was tested a large number of devices. Unfortunately, the light was produced, and a lot of fakes, devices that do not meet the necessary requirements. Through the review of the market of devices of this diagnostic found that to date, only the Sensitives provide an opportunity to recognize living biological object by providing complete information on the functioning of the organs of your body. Manufacturer Sensitiv imago has used the latest system of sensors, computer software is regularly updated and improved. It is therefore safe to say that these devices are the best. Quality and reliability are guaranteed by the certificate of the European Union.

In 2012, software Sensitives has been updated and improved. The new program Life Stream was the result of many years of work of the enterprises of the Holding Alfa-Med. Over the program worked dozens of scientists, doctors, high-class Russian and foreign experts in cooperation with research institutes and laboratories. Given the experience of development and creation of previous projects, to the Life Stream program required more stringent requirements. It is designed to very high European standards for new more powerful models (which is the model Sensitiv-Imago-510 used in our center)

The advantages and capabilities examination at our center:

Rapid assessment of health status (for 20-30 minutes information is read by the device + 30-40 minutes to the transcript and comments of the doctor)
Determination of the weakest systems and organs.
Formulation of presumptive diagnoses (reference-similar with the diagnoses processes).
Determination of pathogenic microflora, the extent of its activity and location.
The definition of a hidden microflora.
Identification of allergens (food, household, chemical and vegetable).
Unstable laboratory values (a qualitative assessment of blood and urine).
The identification of hereditary predisposition to disease.
Function calculate biorhythms on 4 parameters: physical, intellectual, emotional, common.
Determination of degree of hazard energy-effects on the body.
The definition of contaminants, i.e. the degree of accumulation in the body:
nitrates and nitrites
heavy metals
The definition of difficult to diagnose at an early stage serious diseases.
The definition of useful and unwholesome food (for blood group).
Therapeutic options (frequency compensation, bioresonance therapy).
Recommendations for recovery (selective centres).
The comparison of health status before and after rehabilitation course.
The opportunity to test drugs (for a small additional fee).

Sensitiv imago diagnostics is a new Wellness technology for diagnosis and recovery.
The technique is based on scientific research and theoretical conclusions about the wave nature of all biological objects.
Living cell of a biological object has its own frequency wave. If the cell is sick, its frequency changes. The program Sensitiv-Imago recorded these characteristics. Comparing the frequency of a diseased cell with the reference processes, diagnostics Sensitiv the estimation of a condition of an inspected organ in the future. In addition this program allows you to find a more effective way of restoring health.

Before running the program to the patient‘s hands attach the sensors. For me SBA sensors built into the head unit. This procedure is absolutely safe and harmless as the diagnostic system consists of various safety precautions protecting the patient and physician from harmful effects.

The examinee has the ability to visually see the whole process of scanning. On the monitor one after the other are images of human organs. But these are not the organs of the subject, it‘s graphic pictures of bodies on a scale Recoga applied geometric colored signs characterizing
the condition of the patient at the level of each organ.

After extracting the information from the surveyed program Sensitiv imago shows very high probability (96-98%) of a disease, the presence of bacteria, viruses, microbes, helminthes (parasites), will reveal the cause of the disease. Consequently, we can prescribe exactly the treatment that is really necessary to man, and which, consequently, will give the highest result.

Our center is ready to become Your Advisor, smoothly and reliably protects health!

Each of us wishes for yourself and your loved ones health and happiness. But, there comes a time, and each of us, at least temporarily, becomes a patient. We nervously begin to look for people who could help us with useful advice or consultation, ready to share with us their own experiences, thereby helping you to recover.

1. We are always available and ready to help! We are in the heart of the city (Drama, Suvorov str., 119a), telephone our meets from 8.00 to 20.00 all days of the week without interruption. On the device "Sensitiv Imago-510" we will promptly conduct a comprehensive diagnosis of Your body, giving a qualitative assessment of the condition of the body, identifying even small violations, which in the absence of proper attention can lead to serious diseases.

2. Our principles: reliability, precision, innovation and honesty! Our device successfully passed certification in Russia and received the highest award of the European Union for the best innovative technology! (Holding company of Alfa-Med, 2009, see the video about the award in the section "Device Sensitiv Imago — 510" or in the "Video"). We offer the device "Sensitiv Imago" of the fourth generation with the highest level of protection, tested in special laboratories of Russia (FSB), the UK and Germany. Our doctor is ready to use all his great experience and knowledge of various methods of treatment for your recovery or prevent!

3. Many already trust! The diagnosis of our hardware complex "Sensitiv Imago" trust patients in the EU, USA, China, Korea, the Philippines, Australia and Thailand! Join us!

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