KMK. Kamensk-Uralsky, Russia

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Preparation of documents of any complexity: contracts of sale, donation (deed), lease, exchange, agreements, declarations, statements etc. preparation of package of documents for registration of property rights.
Representation of your interests in all relevant competent state, territorial, municipal, administrative bodies, institutions and organizations. The purchase of land, conclusion of lease contracts, privatization, any transactions with real estate.
Support of transactions in sale and purchase, preparation of package of documents, support to the bodies conducting state registration, and other municipal and state authorities for the transaction.
Production of technical plans: cadastral registration of garages, houses, apartments (rooms), objects of incomplete construction, all types of alterations, conversion of residential (non-residential) non-residential (residential), the translation of the apartment in office space and other types of work.
Acts making survey: the demise of the property in connection with the death or destruction of such object of real estate or termination of the existence of the premises in connection with the death or destruction of a building or structure in which it was located, loss or destruction of the building or structure within which such a facility is (demolition, fire, reconstruction).


Sverdlovsk Oblast
Kamensk-Uralsky city

623400, str. Isetskaya, 33b

tel. +7 (922) 117-84-33
tel. +7 (908) 922-24-53
tel. +7 (3439) 360-377
Actual on 01.01.2018