BRT. Kamensk-Uralsky, Russia

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Dear friends! We invite You into the Office Bioresonance diagnostics, where You will be able to pass diagnostics and treatment to obtain information on modern and environmentally friendly treatment methods and holistic health improvement from a practicing therapist and Director of the center of the Frontal Svetlana Victorovna. The treatment is carried out on the devices IMEDIS. Your questions will be happy to respond by phone 8950-202-74-79

The main objective of our diagnosis is to identify whether in the body, parasites or other infection. People usually believe that healthy, even when such overt signals as skin rashes, pain of unknown cause, decreased immunity, frequent colds, allergies, fatigue. These symptoms can be signs of parasites and infections in the body.

Directions of our activity:
-Diagnosis and treatment of helminth-parasitic infestations (giardiasis, opisthorchiasis, ascariasis, pinworms, toxoplasmosis, etc.)
- Bacterial and viral infections (chlamydia, Mycoplasma, Ureaplasma, Staphylococcus, herpes, cytomegalovirus, etc.)
- The General diagnostics of a condition of immunity and the balance of trace elements.

Treatment after initial diagnosis. The efficiency of the methods of bioresonance therapy according to our and foreign data is 75-85% with:
*diseases of the broncho-pulmonary system,
*diseases of the cardiovascular system,
*diseases of the gastrointestinal tract,
*gynecological and urological diseases
*skin and allergic diseases,
*chronic degenerative diseases
*endocrine disorders, including diabetes,
*pain syndromes of different etiology,
*pre - and postoperative treatment
*disorders of the immune system
*intolerance of dental materials, implants,
*all types of endogenous and exogenous intoxications, etc.


Sverdlovsk Oblast
Kamensk-Uralsky city

str. Karla-Marksa, 43

tel. 8 (950) 202-74-79
Actual on 01.01.2018