Uniform City Exterminator. Kanash, Russia

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Edinaya Gorodskaya SLUZHBA Disinfection works in the market of services of disinfection profile and founded in 2006. A Certificate of Compliance to conduct of works on deratization, disinsection, disinfection, licensed health Ministry disinfection. Is a training-methodical center on the questions of Disinfectology. In the structure of the organization includes 6 departments and 14 branches in the cities of Russia, the average number of employees 100 people.Disinfection in its full spectrum of services to citizens is a priority for our organization.Our professionals on a regular basis undergo training and certification in specialized centers.For disinfection has all the necessary equipment and materials.


Chuvash Republic - Chuvashia
Kanash city

str. Chkalova, 14

tel. 8 (800) 301-05-40

Actual on 01.01.2018