Effective treatment of addictions, depression and weight gain a unique method "RA-Kurs":
- alcoholism;
-food addiction;
-excess weight;
-depression and neuroses;
-obsessive-compulsive disorder;
-chronic fatigue syndrome;
-drug addiction;
-depending on the spice;
-substance abuse;
-computer and Internet;
gaming (gambling)
Consultation of medical specialists: psychologist, psychotherapist, child psychologist, nutritionist.
Multidisciplinary Clinic MEDEL is one of the leading centres of private medicine in Kazan. Founded in 2005. Has his surgery and laboratory.
MEDEL at the Clinic are receiving highly qualified doctors in the following specialties: obstetrician-gynecologist, mammolog, urologist, surgeon, cosmetologist, flebolog, endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, dermatologist, cardiologist, neurologist.
In his work focuses on innovative methods of treatment, which are widely used in Russian and foreign Central medical centers, however, are still rarely represented in Tatarstan.