BioPort. Kazan, Russia

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BioPort - cafe | bar | club

From 11.00 am each day (entrance opposite the Gum)

The project operates in three modes:

1. Bio café (11.00-18.00)
Every day from morning to evening.
Here you can find quality food, not only delicious and diverse but also designed, in terms of product compatibility and the "philosophy of taste". Pasta homemade, Japanese, Asian and European cuisine, vegetarian menu, fancy drinks and tea.

2. Bio Bar (from 18.00 to 0.00)
The time and place to meet a friendly company and interesting music in a unique atmosphere. Concerts, live bands, themed events and interesting events, a varied menu and a cosy atmosphere, a meeting place for those who appreciate space and the duration of your stay.

3. Bio Club (23.00 Friday-Saturday)
Space of dance, music and communication, which has no analogues in the city.
BioClub long – awaited incarnation of the global standard and approach in Kazan. All the most current trends from the world of dance culture embodied in the walls of BioPort: high-quality technical equipment, cooperation with leading experts from the world dance scene, the vast experience of the founders, exclusive music performed by numerous guests and residents, media, innovation, strict door policy and many other components of a quality club recreation. Their participation in the life of the club have already confirmed by many Russian and foreign representatives of the club of the nation: DJs, musicians, promotional teams, decorators, VJs, and many others.


Tatarstan Republic
Kazan city

str. Baumana, 82

tel. +7 (843) 250-33-34

Actual on 01.01.2018