Kazan Electrical Plant. Kazan, Russia

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Kazan Elektrozavod - the enterprise for the production and installation of electrical equipment, founded in 2012. The company has a modern production organization and management system, flexibility of proposed solutions, qualified staff. Products meet the best international and Russian standards and can be used without restrictions on the objects of the energy complex of Tatarstan and the Russian Federation. Products are certified in accordance with Russian and international standards.
The main customers are power grid companies, industrial enterprises, petrochemical enterprises, construction companies and many others.

* Release of products under the trademark "Kazan electrical plant" provides the Company "Systraymeter"


Tatarstan Republic
Kazan city

str. 1-ya Traktornaya, 1a

tel. 8 (843) 2-333-220

Actual on 01.01.2018