Legal Standard. Kirov, Russia

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Legal services:
- for citizens (the consultation is free, all kinds of civil disputes, drafting of contracts, privatization, administrative pravonarushenii, support of transactions, legal opinion, protection in the courts, any claim, complaint, support, enforcement, etc.), 3-NDFL (the tax refund treatment, training, housing);
- for organizations and individual entrepreneurs (consultation, arbitration, corporate disputes, appeal of decisions of state bodies, representation in the service of bailiffs, representation in courts, legal opinions, and information on legislation, reviewing contracts, drafting of contracts, statements of claim of any complexity, claim, negotiation on behalf of clients, assistance with negotiations, legal services 1500/month.

Accounting, HR services:
- accounting subscriber service from 1200/month (accounting and reporting), a one-time accounting services, VAT refund, tax return.
- HR accounting and audit,
- emergency assistance during inspections.
- development of internal documents (work rules, the provisions on personal data protection, personal data protection, the protection of trade secrets, accounting policy, regulations on procurement, collective agreement, etc.)

Registration of companies (all OPF), reorganization, liquidation of companies and entrepreneurs
- input/output members.
- changes in the constituent documents and the register.
- preparation of separate documents for the provision of the notary and registration authority.

EDS (electronic digital signature) from 1425 RUB.
for reporting, bidding and publication of information in the Unified Federal register of bankruptcy information (ERCB), the Federal property management Agency, Rosalkogolregulirovanie, Rosreestr public Services, UIAS FTS, EINSPLUS, the Service of the Bank of Russia financial markets Universal All-Inclusive, ERSTMAL.

-for sale of property of the debtor (bankrupt), commercial bidding, procurement according to 223-FZ (companies with state participation).

Security business
- checking contractors (information about physical and legal persons)
-information on material events published in the magazine "Bulletin of state registration",
-information about the cancellation of powers of attorney, reports of bankruptcy;
-information about arbitration practice;
- information about patents;
-information on financial performance;
- information on enforcement proceedings;
- help companies;
- information about the affiliated companies, the ultimate beneficiaries;
- API.KARTOTEKA (access to databases of legal and natural persons)
- electronic monitoring.

- for builders, designers, prospectors (IN INSTALLMENTS)
- ISO certification


Kaluga Oblast
Kirov city

str. Gertsena, 15, str. 13

tel. 21-44-88
tel. +7 (8332) 42-33-62
Actual on 01.01.2018