Planning center business. Kirov, Russia

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Ordering business plan and feasibility report company +7 9О3 323 O4 41
Prepare business plans and feasibility studies for entrepreneurs and companies in the city and region of Kirov for any purpose: involvement of the Kirov enterprise third-party investment (usually such projects are performed in compliance with UNIDO), implemented the business plan according to the requirements of the Kirov banks. Carry out the development of business plans for various forms of state support, including grant and subsidy expenses.
To order the business plan is only half the job. Is required from the executor of the business planning period to obtain a well-written business project, which will meet all the original requirements and include economic indicators that meet the requirements of banks, investors or government agencies.
Writing a business plan for the Ministry of agriculture, Ministry of industry and trade or the Ministry of economic development, industrial parks and administrations of the Kirov region, Sberbank and Russian agricultural Bank etc., we provide specific bankruptcy, banking, etc. requirements, qualifying criteria and components of business plan or feasibility study, and requirements for program calculation and financial plan.
Ordering a business plan or feasibility study, pay attention to the cost and time of their compilation, which announce to you the representatives of consulting companies. Because low or high value suggests that the company manufacturing business plans are either delivered to the stream (in this case, most likely, their quality is lame), or they are corny inflate the prices of business plans.
Usually customer from Kirov prepared two versions of the plan: realistic and the project, which must contain specific economic indicators. Often ordered the second version of the plan of business for the Bank, of state, when there are requirements for the values of financial indicators from the perspective of the activities of the Kirov production enterprise.
We undertake the preparation and examination of not only the business plans of production, but also business projects in the areas of agriculture, construction, provision of services, prepare projects for companies in industry, etc.
In our company you can order a feasibility study, business plan or financial plan in a standard time – 7-14 days, and emergency preparation – in 1-3 calendar days.
To order the execution of the business plan
Examples of the created business projects:
Prepared business plan for crediting in the savings Bank of the city of Kirov – construction of a house
Feasibility study of the construction of the cottage village, Elevator, warehouse.
Made urgent planning business enterprise for bottling water, as well as the greenhouse complex and legal firms.
Prepared business plan woodworking and furniture factories, the design of a dairy and mill processing fish.
Made an order on the business plans of shop and a cafe in the Kirov, is composed of a business hotel project.
Compiled business plans for the agricultural Bank: projects the crop, livestock farms, poultry farms and poultry farms, rabbit complex and sheep farm, processing oilseeds, grains, and other business projects.


Kaluga Oblast
Kirov city

str. Sovetskaya, 51

tel. 8 (903) 323-04-41
Actual on 01.01.2018