Russian Haze. Kirov, Russia

Views: 57

For you we have prepared a lot of unique products in the field of home brewing, winemaking, Smoking, canning, and domestic preparations. The seller will consult on each product and will tell about advantages of the presented models.
Please note, when ordering from 3000 rubles delivery is free, otherwise the shipping cost will be 300 rubles.
Our range:
Accessories and ingredients for brewing
Smokehouse and smoke generator
The chips and accessories to create sausages
Autoclaves and cheese
Dryers for fruits and vegetables
The measuring device
Products for winemaking
Recipe books


Kaluga Oblast
Kirov city

str. Dzerzhinskogo, 79
str. Proizvodstvennaya, 28v, TTs Altay,
str. Profsoyuznaya, 11, TTs Raduga
str. Torfyanaya, 16
str. Derendyaeva, 33

tel. +7 (8332) 78-23-54
tel. 8 (8332) 48-01-18
tel. 8 (8332) 35-35-83
tel. 8 (8332) 45-13-23
tel. 8 (8332) 73-15-29

Actual on 01.01.2018