Protection of the rights of the patient. Kirov, Russia

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Professional protection of the rights of patients!
Legal advice, drafting of complaints, claims, petitions, settlement agreements, representation in court. Protection of patient rights due to medical error, negligence or carelessness of the physicians and the rights of persons with disabilities as a result of wrongful denial of disability.

In most cases, the patient calling for medical help is left alone with the doctor.
Due to the nature of medical services, the patient knows practically nothing about the methods and quality of treatment and had to rely on the integrity and qualifications of a physician.
About their rights, the patient, the patient begins to wonder, when medical help was rendered to him of inadequate quality.
By law, the patient as consumer of medical services has the right to sue the medical institution, including on compensation of the harm caused.
However when submitting such a claim yourself, in most cases, patients have to face certain difficulties arising from the very essence of medical services and associated with evidence of its poor quality, the existence of a causal link between service provision and causing bodily harm.
However, from someone who provides legal services for You, and will depend on the result.
Of course, make a claim or statement of claim can any lawyer.
The question is whether it will be effective and bring the desired result.
Because in each case it is necessary to deal with all possible circumstances that could cause or provoke an adverse outcome.
So if You have any doubts about whether was given medical assistance in order to avoid even more severe consequences, you should contact the law firm that specializiruetsya in the field of medical law.

Given the social importance of medical care, the specialists of our company are ready to provide professional services for the protection of patients ‘ rights.

We are ready to provide You legal advice on:
- order of compensation of harm, caused by improper medical care (medical error);
- your rights when receiving health care and how to protect them.
- carry out legal analysis of medical documents and the identification of cases of inadequate provision of medical services to the patient;
- the procedure for contesting the decision of Bureau of mediko-social examination if you do not consent with the decision (about the group, the period of disability, degree of incapacity);

We can also provide You with the following procedural documents:
- the claim to the medical organization on the issue of inadequate provision of medical services;
- a statement in a medical institution about the medical results and other documents;
- a statement to the insurance medical organization on carrying out examination of quality of medical care;
- an application to the Federal service for supervision in the sphere of healthcare and social development on the issue of inadequate provision of health services;
- appeals against decisions of the ITU;
- the statement of claim with the court with the requirement about compensation of harm, caused due to improper provision of medical services, moral harm, court costs;

We are ready to bring Your case to court, as is feasible representing Your interests in the investigation of criminal cases against health care workers in the following cases:
- the provision of substandard medical care;
- damage to health;
- violation of medical confidentiality;
- error in diagnosis;
- treatment errors;
- unreasonable refusal to provide medical care;
- complications after medical intervention;
- the unreasonable levying of money for free medical services.

The initial advertisement for submission of the paper:
Professional protection of the rights of patients!
Legal advice, drafting of complaints, claims, petitions, settlement agreements, representation in court. Protection of patient rights due to medical error, negligence or carelessness of the physicians and the rights of persons with disabilities as a result of wrongful denial of disability.
Professional protection of the rights of patients!
Legal advice, drafting of complaints, claims, petitions, settlement agreements, representation in court. Protection of patient rights due to medical error, negligence or carelessness of the physicians and the rights of persons with disabilities as a result of wrongful denial of disability.

In most cases, the patient calling for medical help is left alone with the doctor.
Due to the nature of medical services, the patient knows practically nothing about the methods and quality of treatment and had to rely on the integrity and qualifications of a physician.
About their rights, the patient, the patient begins to wonder, when medical help was rendered to him of inadequate quality.
By law, the patient as consumer of medical services has the right to sue the medical institution, including on compensation of the harm caused.
However when submitting such a claim yourself, in most cases, patients have to face certain difficulties arising from the very essence of medical services and associated with evidence of its poor quality, the existence of a causal link between service provision and causing bodily harm.
However, from someone who provides legal services for You, and will depend on the result.
Of course, make a claim or statement of claim can any lawyer.
The question is whether it will be effective and bring the desired result.
Because in each case it is necessary to deal with all possible circumstances that could cause or provoke an adverse outcome.
So if You have any doubts about whether was given medical assistance in order to avoid even more severe consequences, you should contact the law firm that specializiruetsya in the field of medical law.

Given the social importance of medical care, the specialists of our company are ready to provide professional services for the protection of patients ‘ rights.

We are ready to provide You legal advice on:
- order of compensation of harm, caused by improper medical care (medical error);
- your rights when receiving health care and how to protect them.
- carry out legal analysis of medical documents and the identification of cases of inadequate provision of medical services to the patient;
- the procedure for contesting the decision of Bureau of mediko-social examination if you do not consent with the decision (about the group, the period of disability, degree of incapacity);

We can also provide You with the following procedural documents:
- the claim to the medical organization on the issue of inadequate provision of medical services;
- a statement in a medical institution about the medical results and other documents;
- a statement to the insurance medical organization on carrying out examination of quality of medical care;
- an application to the Federal service for supervision in the sphere of healthcare and social development on the issue of inadequate provision of health services;
- appeals against decisions of the ITU;
- the statement of claim with the court with the requirement about compensation of harm, caused due to improper provision of medical services, moral harm, court costs;

We are ready to bring Your case to court, as is feasible representing Your interests in the investigation of criminal cases against health care workers in the following cases:
- the provision of substandard medical care;
- damage to health;
- violation of medical confidentiality;
- error in diagnosis;
- treatment errors;
- unreasonable refusal to provide medical care;
- complications after medical intervention;
- the unreasonable levying of money for free medical services.


Kaluga Oblast
Kirov city

str. Profsoyuznaya, 1

tel. 44-66-86
tel. 8 (912) 734-66-86

Actual on 01.01.2018