The Shed Wedge. Wedge, Russia

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Our Company is organized is not quite targeted way. The essence of its origin was as follows.... The first year focusing on issues in the field of housing, we began to notice one very important and not a partial trend, namely, the withdrawal of the potential Buyer of huts and other wooden products with market. We fundamentally began to wonder why? After analyzing the situation, in accordance with the trends in the rapidly developing world of building materials, local timber producers and manufacturers of lumber, we came to this conclusion... let‘s call it "feudal fragmentation". The whole complicated process from felling, harvesting lumber and its implementation is closed and did not continue. While it was formed another closed space companies purchasing the above products for the construction of huts, houses, baths and structures of wood. We went in a revolutionary way. Razumkov both of these systems, through long-term monitoring of what is happening, we have created one, but a very healthy system. Our proposal to eliminate healthy competition in favor of the best for all participants of cooperation, has borne fruit. Sales increased, quality has improved, the price went down, more happy Developers, and in this regard regular purchasers.


Moscow Oblast
Wedge city

141650, str. Tereshkovoy, 45

tel. 8 (926) 072-76-20
Actual on 01.01.2018