Rus, dining room. Kopeysk, Russia

Views: 71

Dining room RUS located in the town of Kopeysk (Chelyabinsk oblast), near the bus station. Very convenient to come and go anywhere in the region.The facility has three Banquet halls for 30, 55 and 150 seats. Great place for family events such as an anniversary or wedding.
The menu includes dishes of Russian and European dishes, variety of meat
and fish dishes, side dishes, vegetables, fish and meat cutting.In addition to the main
menu a menu for children.For Banquet per person costs 1200 RUB
if you just dine in the dining room average check is 130 roubles,
a memorial dinner: a set-190руб. .
Also we accept orders for cakes( Apple pie is GREAT!), the dumplings are homemade, the bread is always fresh - bake themselves.
Convenient Parking, delivery orders in the city was 60 RUB.
Call administrator will consult fully on any issue.


Chelyabinsk Oblast
Kopeysk city

456600, str. Elevatornaya, 9

tel. +7 (909) 076-97-51
tel. +7 (919) 321-05-86
Actual on 01.01.2018