Where to buy in Krasnodar cheap split system?
Buy cheap split system in our online store "the Cool 23"
For the past 9 years we efficiently perform our work. In our online store offers a wide assortment of HVAC equipment, such as: split systems domestic and industrial, cassette split systems, floor ceiling, Underfloor heating, boilers, fireplaces, heaters with different heat source (electrical and fuel). All the equipment we sell, if necessary, our craftsmen can install. Guarantee is given as to equipment and installation work.
Refrigerators and freezers
Split systems and air conditioners
Coolers and coffee machines
Computers and laptops
Printers and monitors
TVs and vacuum cleaners
Washing machines
Microwave ovens and slow cookers
Irons and kettles
Receivers tricolor TV
Refilling auto air conditioning