Real Help. Kostroma, Russia

Views: 114

WE SAVE PEOPLE whose lives are subject to drugs and alcohol.

✅ The specialists of our Center are professionally engaged in the return of people to a life without alcohol and drugs .

✅ We work with the causes that gave rise to the use of drugs or alcohol.

✅ We help to start a sober life without alcohol, without drugs and restore all spheres of life. Assistance in finding employment.

✅ People who applied to us for help, becomes a member of a large community of sober people. After the rehabilitation course he gets lifetime support and help from people who are now living full, bright and successful life!


Kostroma Oblast
Kostroma city

156000, d. Voronina, str. Sosnovyy Bor

tel. (800) 222-26-56
Actual on 01.01.2018