AF KONSALT, OOO. Carpets, Russia

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"AF KONSALT" is a professional accounting, tax and legal services. Will help avoid or minimize fines, penalties and other difficulties associated with interaction with public authorities. Responsible for the result!

- complex accounting and legal service of the enterprises of small and average business which includes: restoration, organization and conduct of accounting, preparation and submission of reports, tax calculation and preparation of documents, legal analysis of concluded contracts, legal consultation etc.;
- detailed analysis of the company with the formation of a complex of the actions directed on accurate reflection of facts of economic activity, the search for the optimal method and system of accounting, identify the inherent tax risks;
- maintenance of cash and Bank accounting;
- preparation and submission of quarterly and annual accounting and tax reporting;
- payroll and PAYROLL taxes;
- organization and personnel of military registration or one-time services on HR management;
- development of local normative documents of accounting policy for accounting purposes and tax accounting ;
- registration and liquidation of LLC and individual entrepreneurs;
- tax litigation and assistance during tax audits, preparation of package of documents to inspection bodies (IFTS, funds for labour and employment and enlistment office);
- advising on accounting, optimization of tax burden;
- preparation and processing of primary documents, bookkeeping, compilation of transactions.
- and many others. .

- we resolve diverse accounting, tax and legal issues;
- we use new technologies and operational mechanism of implementation ;
- we carefully study the needs of the customer, and guarantee the confidentiality and quality of services provided;
we are responsible for the results of services;
- we use legitimate and effective methods who have successfully passed approbation in practice, we conduct regular monitoring of the court practice, various legal innovations;
- we have individual approach to the peculiarities of business of each company and are ready to develop a package of services that are convenient for You.


Vladimir Oblast
Carpets city

601900, proezd Bryusova, 4/1

tel. +7 (929) 029-18-59
tel. +7 (929) 029-18-50
Actual on 01.01.2018