Bank guarantee. Krasnodar, Russia

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Bank guarantee is a reliable way to protect the relationship between the participants of commercial large transactions. This document obliges the Bank or other credit institution to fulfill the obligation to pay a certain sum of money to a customer of the auction, if for some reason the winning bidder did not. For 44 FZ, the main condition for the Bank guarantee issuance – the presence of the Bank in accordance with RF Finance Ministry list.
You need this contract? Don‘t know how to obtain a Bank guarantee and to achieve its performance? Our company is engaged in the provision of official receipt of Bank guarantee. Our customers need the favor of guarantor banks, and we know how to achieve the most economical way. Bank guarantee with us for your chance to win a major deal, don‘t miss it!


Krasnodar Krai
Krasnodar city

350000, str. Krasnaya, 176, str. 1

tel. 8 (800) 333-52-69

Actual on 01.01.2018