Company Business solution, LLC. Krasnodar, Russia

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The company‘s BUSINESS DECISION is a reliable, dynamically developing in the field of information technology. Our decisions are based on the experience of the leading Russian manufacturers in the field of electronic document management, telecommunications and automation.
Our business includes three main areas:
 Sale and maintenance of software SBIS++
Electronic document flow with government agencies (IFNS, PFR, FSS, ROSSTAT, ROSALKOGOL‘). Our company is the official representative of the developer in the Volgograd region and Krasnodar territory.
 Advice on tenders
The company employs certified specialists in the field of public PROCUREMENT, with extensive experience working with Federal, municipal and commercial Electronic Trading Platforms (ETP).
We provide a wide range of services in the field of public procurement and commercial zapalac:
- consultations in the framework of the FCC
consultation under 223-FZ
- comprehensive support for participation in procurement (e-auction, request quotes, contest, etc.)
- sale of electronic signatures
We are always ready to provide assistance on issues of interest. And also, we conduct training seminars to explain the legislation in the sphere of public PROCUREMENT.
 Services Responsible accounting


Krasnodar Krai
Krasnodar city

350000, str. Kalinina, 341, str. 316/2

tel. +7 (861) 273-11-16
tel. +7 (961) 513-15-55
tel. +7 (964) 902-70-07
Actual on 01.01.2018