Private clinics and medical centers of Krasnodar

Private clinics and medical centers :

Total items: 478, Views: 633759
Krasnodar, 350061, str. Blagoeva, 1

tel. +7 (861) 263-08-38

Indications and contraindications in halotherapy.

Indications for halotherapy quite a lot.

The main purpose of these sessions is the health of the respiratory, cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Recommended list of indications for procedures in salt caverns:

Preventive measures for the prevention of colds: the common cold virus and SARS, pneumonia, bronchitis of various degrees of severity, etc.;

Treatment of ENT diseases: chronic sinusitis and frontal sinusitis, enlarged tonsils and adenoids, chronic inflammatory processes;

Treatment of asthmatic manifestations: productmy syndrome "bronchitis smoker", recurrent tracheobronchitis, and, of course, bronchial asthma;

Reduction of possible complications in the initial stages of colds, such as false croup or bronchospasm. Halotherapy in these cases helps to reduce sputum viscosity, improves its separation and reduction of the swelling of the mucous membranes, thereby alleviating symptoms, reducing dyspnea and increasing the permeability of the bronchi;

Allergic reactions: allergies of various etiology, including allergic dermatitis and rhinitis;

Lesions of the skin, including atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, pustular ekzemnye and symptoms on the skin, acne and Hyper-secretion of the sebaceous glands;

For improvement in the field of cosmetology sessions of halotherapy to reduce inflammatory process /for this session are required to wear no makeup;

In diseases of the cardiovascular system: ischemia, angina, Hypo - and hypertension. Effectively visit salt caves in the recovery period after a heart attack or stroke;

In the case of neurotic and neurosis-like States: phobic symptoms, anxiety, insomnia, unreasonable, disturbing thoughts and fears. Influencing the vegetative system of the person, the salt air contributes to its normalization in the emotional plan;

Prevention of diseases related to environmental pollution. Areas in which hazardous production or when the person has no stable work schedule, for example when you need to pull the night shift, salt caves will allow to cope with psycho-emotional stress, clean air, relieve fatigue and have a positive impact on the overloaded nervous system.

Cardiovascular disease - hypertensive disease of the 1st and 2nd degrees, hypotonic disease, circulation disorders, the initial manifestations of vascular disorders of limbs, varicose veins in the absence of chronic ulcers, hemorrhoids,atherosclerotic and micardisbuy (rheumatic origin) cardiosclerosis;
Inflammatory and degenerative disease of musculoskeletal system — arthritis and polyarthritis of non-tubercular origin, arthrosis, rheumatism, gout, diseases of the spine (spondylosis, spondylosis, spondylitis, low back pain), the consequences of traumatic injuries of the bones, muscles, tendons(myopathy, wounds ,bruises)
Diseases of the Central and peripheral nervous systems -the effects of spinal cord injury, neuritis, sciatica, polio, plexitis, radiculitis, polyradiculitis, cerebral atherosclerosis;
Chronic inflammatory diseases of female genital organs (uterus, appendages, adhesions after surgery), functional ovarian failure, chronic inflammatory diseases of male genital organs (prostatitis, urethritis and other diseases)
Skin diseases-psoriasis, neurodermitis, allergic dermatitis, fungal infections, skin Allergy, vitiligo, keratosis, seborrhea
Diseases of urinary system-cystitis,primary and secondary chronic pyelonephritis, complications of chronic renal failure in the latent stage, kidney stones
Endocrine disorders-thyrotoxicosis; endocrine forms of female infertility, obesity, breast,
periodontal disease and tooth pain
Disease above the upper and lower respiratory tract-SARS, flu, colds, runny nose(rhinitis), sinusitis, sinusitis, adenoids, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, bronchial asthma;
Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract-diarrhea ,constipation, functional diseases of the stomach, intestines, chronic gastritis, colitis, ulcer disease stomach and duodenum, diseases of the liver and gallbladder
Exhaustion of the immune system,chronic fatigue syndrome,
Ophthalmic damage-conjunctivitis syndrome, tired eyes,

Contraindications of halotherapy

Contraindications for halotherapy a bit, but to consider them necessary because a visit to the salt caves in the presence of chronic or infectious diseases, especially in the period of exacerbation or relapse, will only aggravate the situation. In addition, it is important to know about the possible hypersensitive to salt spray.

Contraindications the main contraindications of halotherapy include:


infection until the end of the insulation period;

disease with complications in the form of serious suppuration;

acute inflammation at exacerbation of chronic diseases and its complication of acute purulent process;

the period of acute diseases of the blood;

bleeding of any origin and localization;

the acute form of sexually transmitted diseases;

mental illnesses of varying severity.

Malignant tumors(poorly understood);

benign tumors with a tendency to increase(poorly understood);
an illness with a tendency to re-bleeding and hemoptysis;
all blood diseases in acute stage and exacerbation stage;
glaucoma (progressive);
some diseases of the skin ( weeping eczema, pemphigus (pemphigus), and others;
the second half of pregnancy;
aseptic thrombophlebitis (if took at least 1 year after normalization of temperature subject to changes in the blood);
progressive thrombosis;
chronic venous insufficiency of the legs;
chronic renal failure (some stage);
individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to salts;

Actual on 01.01.2018











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