Robotics club at roboworld. Krasnodar, Russia

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The robotics club will help to develop motor skills, logic and creative thinking, and learn to work in a team.
In our classes, the children gather robots based on the LEGO Mindstorms EV3.
For the collection of robots written program that causes the robot to perform various commands, algorithms of actions.
Children get great pleasure from the fact that they create their robots and make them move!
Robotics is the Foundation for further study and understanding of mathematics, Informatics, programming, and physics.
Children will become familiar with concepts such as coordinates, graphs, algorithms, loops, decision tree, conditions, variables, arrays, speed, power.
This will allow them to better and faster to master school subjects, and logic and reasoning.
As you know, better to see once. Therefore, we suggest You visit first, trial lesson on assembling and programming robots.


Krasnodar Krai
Krasnodar city

350016, str. Karyakina, 19, str. 16

tel. 8 (918) 654-45-33
Actual on 01.01.2018