/ / . Krasnodar, Russia

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Your auto expert in the World of complex diagnostics, inspection of used and new cars. Will help You to choose and pick up a used car with mileage. Really buy a ”new” car has never seen body, paint shops. Purchase a used or new car is always a risk. Now with our help, buying a car would be quite easy.
Professional equipment and years of experience allows us to provide quality services such as diagnosis and testing, inspection of new and used cars of different makes and models.
Full diagnostics of the car body with the equipment.
Partial diagnosis of engine, transmission and chassis of the vehicle.
The definition of the present mileage of the car.
Support anywhere in the region by private car.
Turning to us, you get:
- The most complete information about the car you intend to purchase.
- The ability to make a complete diagnosis of the car before buying;
- Get detailed information about the condition of the body, suspension and transmission; - a "Car Expert" will be a professionally conducted auction with the seller;
- Ability in the most gentle time profitable! to buy a car;
- Assistance in selling your old car;
- Ability to check the car and documents of legal clarity;
- The ability to avoid costs as a result of unfair conclusions about the state of the car at the service station;
Choosing our services You:
- Save your money
- Save time
- You will avoid the traffic jams for the next disappointment
- Avoid unnecessary trips on doubtful sites
- Avoid idle checks
- Avoid time frame records available for inspection on the lift.
Save your nerves and health!
The specialists of "Car Expert" is open daily and can go on Your request in any area of Krasnodar and the Krasnodar territory.
We check all nodes, units and systems of the vehicle using modern equipment.


Krasnodar Krai
Krasnodar city

353560, str. Lizy Chaykinoy, 22

tel. +7 (918) 669-99-63

Actual on 01.01.2018