Fitness Family. Krasnodar, Russia

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The network of fitness clubs Fitness Family is based on true human values: family, excellence in the pursuit of innovative change, acting with integrity, honesty, and willingness to serve the people. In our work we focused on innovation as the main engine of business and the quality of the service. Our company sets a high bar for the fitness industry in Russia. In our clubs you will find everything that will transform even the simplest exercise into a real pleasure! It offers the most modern fitness equipment, pools, rooms for group and individual lessons, team sports, professional coaches, trainers, doctors, masseurs. For children created a fabulous space for games and development. In our clubs there are a large number of areas like sports (martial arts, dancing, swimming) and creative and special developmental classes. Separately want to say about the main thing in the club-staff. In our clubs employ only highly qualified specialists. Each member of our staff is given to work with all my heart. Thanks to them for Fitness Family creates a warm intimate atmosphere.


Krasnodar Krai
Krasnodar city

str. Montazhnikov, 1

tel. +7 (861) 243-43-34
Actual on 01.01.2018