Celebrate an anniversary, a specialized event Agency. Krasnodar, Russia

Views: 45

We can organize Your anniversary from idea to full implementation of the most unexpected fantasies.
When Your understanding of the concept and all components of the event we will find the missing components — invite the right media, photographer, artist, help with restaurant recommendations, arrange transport guests to the anniversary, with subsequent placement in the hotel.
A brief list of our services:
• Development of the event script (or the provision of standard)
• Choice of venue for the anniversary
• Selection of options (kitchen, menu, beautifully decorated cake for the birthday boy)
• Leading for choice
• Options show programs and artists
• Selection of photo and video operators
• Technical support — light, sound, fireworks, laser etc.
• Selection of designers-decorators
• Transport services from bus to limousine
• Services of fashion designers and makeup artists
• Accommodation in the hotel
• Organization of additional activities — clubs, trips etc.
Of course, we are most popular with customers ready to Order anniversary under the key, we are ready to be consultants in any part of the organization of the event — so feel free to contact us for any question, the organization of the anniversary.


Krasnodar Krai
Krasnodar city

350000, str. Krasnoarmeyskaya, 100

tel. +7 (918) 658-92-17

Actual on 01.01.2018