Registration of logo, trademark, verbal, graphic or combined designation.
The state registration of the industrial design. The patent for industrial design.
Patenting of inventions, useful models.
All operations are carried out by the Federal service for intellectual property, patents and trademarks.
Trademark registration in Russia;
Checking the patentability of the Trademark (logo);
International registration of the Brand;
Development of licensing agreements;
The renewal of the Trademark;
Logo design;
Design of packages and labels;
A patent for an invention, utility model;
Development of a franchising agreement.
Patent Bureau "Prime Brand" experts in the field of intellectual property. Use modern tools to work with customers and registration authorities.
Free checking trademark. Development of patentable logo.
Trademark registration, registration of Inventions, industrial design patents.
Development and registration of license agreements.
Development Franchise agreement. Selling Your franchise.
Not a registered trademark, the use of perhaps a foreign name, fake products – all these factors can cause serious damage to any company. Globalprint patent office - the team of patent attorneys, forensic experts, provides services for registration of trademarks, patenting of useful models, inventions, registration of programs and databases. Drafting of license contracts, contracts of concessions. Registration and protection of copyright. The services of experts, designers, evaluators. Intellectual property is YOUR property! Don‘t let competitors use Your data, protect their products and trademarks. Call us! Write! Consultations on all questions of intellectual property protection is free! We work with all regions of the Russian Federation! We are glad to cooperate with You!