Nika development center. Krasnodar, Russia

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Development center "Nika" invites you to class all who are willing to learn something new and to "study, study and study again"!
If You do not feel comfortable in communication with foreigners abroad – teachers of the centre "Nika" will teach you to be fluent in English, German, Spanish and many other languages!
If You want Your child also mastered foreign languages, special techniques and individual approach of our teachers after a few months will yield great results!
If You wish to harmoniously develop in your baby a variety of abilities and skills from the earliest years of lessons in groups of early development center "Nika" will help Your child to strengthen the relationship with the mother, to acquire new knowledge, develop creative skills, to discover their talents, learn to make friends with peers!
If in a few years Your child goes to school in preparatory groups of our center, the baby will get all the necessary knowledge to the first day of school to study only on "5"!
If not for the mountains of the exam - the experienced teachers of our center will help you to get points on the final exam in Russian language and mathematics! Preparing for the exam?


Krasnodar Krai
Krasnodar city

350072, str. Karyakina, 25

tel. +7 (988) 380-99-60

Actual on 01.01.2018