Directors club of Krasnodar. Krasnodar, Russia

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Doubling sales.
How to double sales through partners even with a small customer base?

24.10 come to the conference " Professional sales
and useful when B2B companies."

The key, entitled "Practical networking"

Networking is the technology. Technology partnerships.

We are doing this in their companies and the companies of our clients.

Will show you how. Teach.

You will exchange to

More than 100 heads of small and medium business.

More than 100,000 potential customers.

We will all introduce. Fast, fun, relaxed.

You will exchange contacts. Will see new opportunities

for your business.

Will show you how. Teach. Directly at the conference you will find partners and already next day will be able to apply technology in sales.

Sign up now.

fill out the form ( Name, email,phone) and click enroll.

The number of places is very limited.

PS. In addition will be held the following workshops

Cientology or why people really buy?

The key formula sales – 5 coefficients without knowing which your business is like a blind kitten

Conveyor sales – the best protection against withdrawal of business

Marketing and copywriting – the best PR company in the world or why Lenin came to power.

As well as lots of other practical information.

Only real cases. Any examples of how McDonald‘s conquered the world.

Our time. Our company. Real-world examples.

Working technology.

Learned. Implemented. Got the result.

We are waiting for you.

The Organizers Of The Club Of Directors


Krasnodar Krai
Krasnodar city

ave. Chekistov, 38

tel. +7 (918) 443-65-79

Actual on 01.01.2018