Refrigerator repair in Krasnodar at home, without intermediaries and deception. Have been working long and effectively by all modern refrigerator all models. Prices can be found in a telephone conversation, I believe that they are very affordable. Parts and equipment you need bring with me.
Refrigerator repair in Krasnodar at home produce across all areas of the city: Pashkovskiy district,Central district,Pokrovka, Batons, Slavic, Kalinino, ZIP, School, center, RIP, ZIP, KSK, KBC, Leatherworking, REP, SAN, Festival, Jubilee, Gidrostroy, Aviagorodok, Komsomol, KKB, Russian, MHG, ENKA, Red Square, Oz Mall, RSC, sign, Suburban, East Kruglikovsky, the Ninth kilometer of the Moscow summer residences, ravines and Villages.
We go to towns: Yablonovsky, Enem, North, South, Birch, Youth vitaminkombinatom, Progress, Industrial, Cozette, Adygeysk, Afipsip, Tlyustenkhabl, Agronomist, Loris, Dinskaya, Novotitarovskaya, Elizabethan, Kopans, farm Lenin, Starokorsunskaya, Eared, Friendly, Kaczyinski, the Emergence, Amber, Vishniac, Zelenodolskiy
To call the master on repair of refrigerators in Krasnodar, easy and simple. You need to call us in our workshop and learn the conditions and details. Working seven days a week