Online store FenixLed. Krasnodar, Russia

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Internet-shop of building tools and power equipment for home and work, for these men and their halves, where You can at home or at work (in a quiet environment) to determine the choice of equipment, order it online (one of the lowest prices in the region) and not going (in the cold or heat on road traffic) to get it at home, work or place of operation.
Buy the tool (or other items) You will be able online (via the order form of the site), retail in our store or by Bank transfer at wholesale prices - large range in stock, with deliveries direct from the manufacturers, therefore the best rates in the region discounts, bonuses, sales.


Krasnodar Krai
Krasnodar city

350088, str. Sormovskaya, 204/6

tel. 8 (961) 855-43-88
tel. (962) 878-52-31
Actual on 01.01.2018