Marusya taxi dispatch service. Krasnodar, Russia

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Calling once to the Dispatcher service of "Marusya.Taxi" (telephone 99-22-777) you will be satisfied with our prices! You will instantly learn the exact cost of your trip from point A to point B from our operators! The cost calculation will produce a computer by the shortest route! When boarding a taxi You already know how much you will need to pay!

Our management system is not zamedlitelja will send it to You; will tell You the make, color, license plate of the taxi; will Inform you of the arrival of the car. On the line is always an optimal number of carriers, which allows to obtain a taxi in the shortest possible time.


Krasnodar Krai
Krasnodar city

350051, str. Stroiteley, 17

tel. 8 (861) 992-27-77

Actual on 01.01.2018