avtogruzoperevozki, refrigerators, warm vans 3, 5,10 tons. High-speed high-quality targeted delivery of Your goods in Siberia, the city and the region. cash and cashless payments. of the contract. phone: 8(391)2-785-755
round the clock.
Cargo taxi "UNCLE VANYA". Urban transport. Long-distance transport. The office move. Relocating freight Forwarding. The REMOVAL of DEBRIS will Provide any transport in Krasnoyarsk. Is all from the Gazelle to KAMAZ and vorovaiki. We offer to conclude a contract for maintenance vehicles. Work without days off and breaks his OWN TEAM of PORTERS
Just call us or fill out the application form on the website, and our Manager will not need more than a quarter of an hour to find the right Gazelle to you. It‘s as simple as to call a traditional taxi.