Created 16 November 2004. The ensemble was organized and consists of active and creative young people — students of the Siberian state aerospace University named after academician Mikhail Fedorovich Reshetnev.
Sinitsyn Vladislav Nikolaevich
Egorova Tatyana
At the time of Foundation
Choreographic group "Ad Astra"
consisted of 8 participants — students of SibSAU.
Today national collective student dance ensemble "AdAstrA" consists of 30 participants, students of SibSAU, fifteen girls and fifteen boys. The repertoire of the ensemble "AdAstrA" is the performances — a synthesis of various genres of dance: modern dance, tap dance, folklore, jazz. It is a successful combination of classic rooms with the modern trends, which undoubtedly makes the repertoire more colorful.
In 2010, the ensemble was awarded the honorary title "people‘s TEAM".
In 2014, the band celebrated its 10th anniversary.
Students participate in the creative life of the University district, take an active part in city, regional, national and international events.
SING the CAT - exclusive cover project in the style of Dance, Pop, Ska, Rock!
SING the CAT is a Quartet of professional musicians: Andrew (vocals, guitar, arrangements), Roman (drums) and horn section Victor (saxophone, backing vocals) and Denis (trumpet).
SING the CAT bright and unusual touch to any event! They love music, they breathe together, they move to the beat and give the audience all the heat of your heart! Sea drive, magnetic charisma, artistic brilliance, fascinating tone of voice will attract and captivate all present!
SING the CAT is bright, energetic and unique hits of all time!
SING the CAT is a constant participants of a variety of concerts, festivals, celebrations and various events in the city of Krasnoyarsk and beyond.
A large repertoire, a cocktail of genres and styles and unique show!
We are open for all kinds of cooperation!
The organization of concerts: 89233142643 Andrew