• The team was founded in 1982 by Manuilova Hulsroj Rifhatovna. Since 1994, the ensemble leader and choreographer of the dance – Pilipenko Olga Vladimirovna. The ensemble is the decoration of concerts and holidays for children and adult audiences not only in the Palace of culture, but also on the activities of district, city and region. "Fantasy" - the numerous Winner of the first degree of the regional competition of children‘s and adults teams to them. M. Godenko, Winner of three regional competitions of the "Golden Terpsichore", the annual Winner of regional competition "Dance soshiki", Laureate of all-Russian children‘s festival Sochi – 2007. the team lives interesting creative jizniyu. In the ensemble three age categories: children 3.5 to 9 years adolescents 10 to 16 years, young people 16-25 years.