Wide range of providing legal and accounting assistance, avtoyurist, representation in courts, preparation of any documents, accounting and tax reporting, full support all deals, help with business, tax disputes, liquidation of the LLC DEBT.
Wide range of legal assistance, avtoyurist, representation in courts, preparation of any documents, full legal support of all transactions, assistance in business, tax disputes, liquidation of the LLC DEBT.
We have the lowest prices.
assistance in case of accident, representation in traffic police, police, insurance companies; disputes with insurance companies with low insurance compensation; creation, reorganization, liquidation (EVEN WITH DEBT) any legal entity, establishment and closing of an Individual entrepreneur, reduction of the cadastral value of any real estate; full support of transactions on purchase and sale of real estate, including commercial, registration of contracts with all network services for the connection of all utilities to the property, transactions related to the acquisition of land rights, allotment of shares, transfer from one category to another and much more related to land relations, tax disputes and more.