Forty of the 46 region. Kursk, Russia

Views: 69

The newspaper "Soroka 46 region" offers business cooperation in solving problems to attract customers and promote Your business and post information about Your products and services on the pages of the free newspaper "Soroka 46 region"
Circulation of our newspaper is about 80 000 copies
Format – A3 (8-16 pages)
Published weekly – on Fridays
Distributed for free: through placement in mailboxes, distribution of copies of the magazine distributors in places of a congestion of people and also corporate racks.
Published in the newspaper: news, useful information, feature articles, entertainment information , additional promotional articles, also published crossword puzzle, horoscope, weather stimulating read all the Newspapers in full.
Low advertising rates and individual approach to each client, obviously, will be a pleasant surprise for You.
Residents of Kursk from 18 to 65 years, the core audience of 30-50 years.
Predominant social status: workers, pensioners, professionals, employees and managers.
Having a permanent job, interested in commercial information and promotional offers (discounts, promotions).
They are the main consumers of Your products or services.
One copy of our newspaper reading 3 (analysis and surveys in other cities). Thus, the readership of the Newspaper "Soroka 46 region" ranges from 80 000 to 240 000 people. All these people - Your potential customers!


Kursk Oblast
Kursk city

str. 3-ya Peskovskaya, 14

tel. +7 (919) 218-67-10

Actual on 01.01.2018