Avtolombard "Give the Ruble" was created to provide clients with prompt and comprehensive assistance in resolving temporary financial difficulties. We guarantee the highest quality of service, loyal approach to each client and 100% guarantee the safety of the trusted property. Our activity is absolutely transparent and legal, we don‘t demand signing of the contract of sale and all the money you get for one hour after treatment in our office.
You urgently need money, but as collateral for a loan, there is only a car? Then you will surely need the services of pawnshop.
Our clients can be assured that each request will be considered on an individual basis. If any requirements cannot be fulfilled by the client (the absence of one of the documents, unpaid loans, etc.), we will endeavour to individually solve all the problems.
You urgently need money, but as collateral for a loan, there is only a car? Then you will surely need the services of pawnshop. Our clients can be assured that each request will be considered on an individual basis.