Rubik‘s cube. Lipetsk, Russia

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In our educational centre is working with children in the following areas:

1. from 9 months to 3 years:
a)"my family and I" (problems of the first year of a child‘s life and ways to overcome them, counseling of mothers, adjustment to kindergarten);
b) "I and the world" (the development of perception, movement and independent action, thinking, memory, speech, child);
C) "ABC art" (sculpture, drawing, appliqué).

2. from 3 years to 6 years:
a) Scrabble ( literacy, reading, the formation of mathematical concepts, familiarization with others, teaching writing, development of creative abilities and imagination through theatrical productions, the development of spatial thinking in the process of playing and communicating);
b) "English" ( introduction and development of interest in a foreign language, immersion, acquisition of communication skills in the English language);
C) "language Development" ( enrichment of vocabulary, study grammatical structure of the speech, overcome speech disorders, development of creative thinking);
g) "Sessions with a psychologist" ( adaptation of the child to a kindergarten, psychological preparation for school, motivation to learn, cognitive and emotional development);
d) "ABC art" ( introduction to Russian culture and culture of other countries through sculpting, drawing. of an application).

3. group classes in pre-school with 5 years.

4. Individual sessions with a psychologist.

5. Individual sessions with a speech therapist.

6. Individual lessons in preparation for school.

7. Private lessons in English.


Lipetsk Oblast
Lipetsk city

str. P. Smorodina, 5

tel. 78-86-58
tel. 8 (980) 353-35-25
Actual on 01.01.2018